Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A little Puppet "Fishy" Fun in Deerfield Township

On Sunday, January  22, the Mason-Deerfield Arts Alliance and Deerfield Township presented the first of the 2012 Performing Arts Series, MadCap Puppets, When You Wish Upon A Fish.
Like all of our performances in the series, each ticket was $2.00 per person and children under the age of 2 are free.
MadCap actors arrived with buckets and barrels of supplies. Wild and wholly puppet heads toppled over containers and headed for the stage.
We closed the doors to the auditorium at the Kings High School, so little peepers wouldn't have the chance to ruin any surprises that might be in store.
In the lobby, a local business by the name of Skidaddles, was at the ready to paint little faces. Cheeks and hands adorned painted fishes, spiders and stars.  We appreciated Skidaddles volunteering their time and materials to make this experience even more enjoyable for the kids.
The doors opened and 190 kids, parents and grandparents found their seats.  The show began...and giggles ensued. Fish taught us lessons about choices and kindness. Then the MadCap actors had a little question and answer period. "How does that puppet work?" asked a nine year old. "Did your costume come off by accident or was that planned?" asked another little whipper snapper!
As the crowd made its way out...the 25 kids whose parents had registered them for the puppet making workshop made their way to the cafeteria. Glue guns, felt and puppet socks lie in wait. A three eyed puppet was perfectly acceptable. Anything goes.
There is nothing better than seeing kids feeling free to create. No boundaries. No matter what their puppet looked like in the end...that was ok.
Thank you to ArtsWave presents... for their partnership in the arts.
Our next performance will be:
Frisch Marionettes, Hansel and Gretel
Sunday, Feb. 19
Kings High School Auditorium
$2.00 per person. Ages 2 and under free.

For more information about the Mason-Deerfield Arts Alliance visit www.masonarts.org