Rebekah Barnes | MDAA Intern
It's a time for change.
Changes from my recent graduation from William Mason High School, moving on to Ohio University, ready to become a bobcat. Changes in the weather, with the hot summer sun peaking in from the blue-cloud skies, as I peer through my shades. And now a change in my employment.
I'm so absolutely honored to be the Mason Deerfield Arts Alliance Intern. And now helping out with summer camp registration, I know these small crafts and cute creations with these kids will bring change in ways they won't know.
I was a very quiet child, who found comfort in crayons and markers and my imagination. Art was my safe zone. My art teachers knew me the best and always knew what was on my mind.
And now, as an almost freshman in college, art is still my passion. My art with words as a journalism major. My art with painting canvas shoes as a side job. My doodles in notebooks, my drawings for gifts, seeing beauty in nature, in people.
Without art as a kid, I wouldn't be where I am.
These Mason - Deerfield Arts Alliance Summer Art camps are a great opportunity to show children that the world is a beautiful place and it's time to explore it with their imagination.